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Job Title: District Police Sergeant
Full-time | 12-month
Salary Range: $92,808 – $110,818 per year
Application Deadline: open til filled
Under direction of the District Police Chief, acts as working shift supervisor and participates in patrol, criminal, internal and administrative investigations, disciplinary actions and supervises the day-to day operation of assigned programs or functions.
• Receives general direction from the assigned administrator; working within a framework of established goals and objectives.
• Directs, coordinates, supervises, and evaluates the work of assigned staff.
Responsibilities and Duties
• As a shift supervisor; plans, directs and supervises the patrol, dispatch and law enforcement activities during an assigned shift.
• Prepare, supervise, and direct work schedules; conduct inspections for conformance to dress and uniform codes.
• Monitor and evaluate work performance of subordinate staff. Plan, coordinate, and conduct evaluations and disciplinary actions. Maintain discipline and insure that Department rules, regulations, and policies are followed during an assigned shift. Writes thorough evaluations and maintains updated performance logs of employees.
• Assign staff development activities for assigned personnel. Assist with, plan, and oversee or facilitate training programs for police personnel and the campus community.
• Participate in the screening of and selection of assigned personnel.
• Respond to crime and accident scenes. Supervise and participate in investigations. Participate in follow-up investigations, including gathering of evidence, questioning of witnesses, and apprehension of suspects. Oversee the collection and preservation of evidence.
• Ensure that District police officers are dispatched to the scenes of crimes, accidents, and other emergency situations and provides leadership and supervision on these calls where required.
• Assume lead role in preparing reports in cases for trial and may personally appear in court to present evidence and testimony.
• Maintain a positive working relationship with prosecutors and other law enforcement agencies.
• Maintain communications with dispatching center and department officers.
• Oversee the preparation of reports of shift activity and reviews reports submitted by dispatchers, officers and campus safety officers.
• Assist in the development of crime control and prevention materials.
• Cooperate with other shift sergeants to prepare work schedules for assigned staff.
• Assist in maintaining and updating the automated parking system.
• Assist in maintaining and upgrading the Automated Records Management System.
• Assists in the collection, preservation, and destruction of evidence and property.
• Assist to coordinate police activities with other campus departments and with outside agencies.
• Participate in the planning, development, implementation and management of the District Police Services department budget as assigned.
• As assigned, perform the duties and responsibilities of the District Police Chief in the absence of, or in coordination with, the Chief.
• Participate and assist the District Police Chief to plan, coordinate, and administer the development of District police services operations, policies, goals, objectives and procedures.
• Participate on committees, task forces, and in special assignments.
• Maintain currency of knowledge and skills related to the duties and responsibilities.
• Respond to citizen complaints and requests for information; conduct informal and formal complaint investigations as assigned. Conduct administrative reviews and or investigations as assigned.
• Provide technical staff assistance to the District Police Chief or College Administration involving such work activities as specialized project research, public information, legislative analysis, statistical analysis and other activities.
• Evaluate operations and activities of assigned responsibility; recommend improvements and modifications.
• Assume command and coordination of police activities at emergencies and function as an onsite incident commander. Other duties as assigned.
Knowledge of:
• Police methods and procedures including patrol, crime prevention, traffic control, investigation, identification techniques, and emergency response.
• Police records and reports.
• Criminal law with particular reference to the apprehension, arrest, and custody of persons committing misdemeanors and felonies, including rules of evidence pertaining to the search and seizure and the preservation and presentation of evidence in traffic and criminal cases. Pertinent laws and codes.
• Principles and practices of supervision, leadership, training, performance evaluations, and personnel management.
• Well-developed oral and written language skills to prepare reports, professional correspondence, give testimony in court, make presentations, and conduct trainings.
• Departmental policy and procedures.
• Geography of the District.
Ability to:
• Supervise, coordinate, schedule, evaluate, and train subordinates.
• Analyze situations and adopt effective courses of action.
• Interpret and apply laws and regulations.
• Prepare clear, concise, and comprehensive written reports.
• Establish and maintain cooperative working relationships with those contacted in the course of work and with the general public.
• Sensitivity to and understanding of, the diverse academic, socioeconomic, cultural, linguistic, ethnic backgrounds and disabilities of community college students and staff.
• Work constructively to resolve conflict and develop a consensus.
• Work as a contributing member of a team, work productively and cooperatively with other internal or external teams.
• Oversee Student Service Officer program, Communication Center, Parking program, • Emergency Preparedness, Clery/VAWA reporting; as well as, Crime Prevention programs; Evidence/Property Management; Background Investigations.
• Supervise a variety of special services, programs, projects, and units including the rotation towing program.
• Staff training and development and coordination of Special Events.
• Work irregular and on-call hours including weekends, evenings, and holidays.
• Meet and maintain the departmental firearms qualifications standards.
Education and Experience Requirements:
• Associate in Arts Degree, or equivalent, in Police Science or related field from an accredited college or university.
• Three (3) years of active law enforcement experience as a Post Certified Peace Officer in California with one (1) year of leadership or supervisory experience, preferably in a college/university setting.
• Possession of an appropriate valid (not expired) California Commission on Peace Officer Standards POST Basic Course certificate or Basic Course POST certificate waiver. Possession of, or eligible (and applied for) POST Intermediate Certificate is preferred.
• Completion of a police supervisory program approved by the California Peace Officers Standards and Training Commission (POST) within one year of appointment to position as a condition of continued employment.
• A valid Class “C” California Driver’s License, required.
• Valid First Aid and CPR certificates.
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Job Title: District Police Officer (Sworn) Campus Police
Full-time | 12-month | Salary Range: $7,381 – $8,972 Per Month
This position is district funded
Application Deadline: October 6, 2024, 11:59 PM
To perform a variety of duties in the enforcement of laws, the protection of persons and property and the prevention of crimes within the College’s jurisdiction; to ensure the safety and security of the College campus; and to provide assistance to students, faculty and staff.
Receives direction from assigned Sergeant or other police command staff.
Responsibilities and Duties
Essential responsibilities and duties may include, but are not limited to, the following:
• Patrol assigned area on foot or in a vehicle; issue verbal or written citations for violations observed; enforce parking and related traffic ordinances; discover and prevent the commission of crimes and code violations; respond to and investigate traffic collisions.
• Respond to calls for service including the protection of life and property, and the enforcement of City, County and State laws, codes and regulations; respond to break ins and fire alarms; contact emergency agencies as needed.
• Conduct investigations of various crimes committed; interview suspects, victims and witnesses in the field; make arrests as necessary; prepare reports on arrests, burglaries, disturbances and unusual circumstances observed.
• Assist students, faculty and staff by providing directions and responding to questions and inquiries; provide service escorts for any person requiring assistance.
• Respond to faculty, staff and student complaints in potentially hostile situations; intervene and mediate in disturbances and disputes.
• Provide security, law enforcement and crowd control activities for a variety of special events on campus; escort speakers and special guests to and from events.
• Maintain radio communications with dispatching center and other law enforcement officers.
• Testify and present evidence in court as necessary.
• Perform related duties and responsibilities as required.
Knowledge of:
• Principles, practices, methods and procedures of law enforcement and traffic control.
• Modern campus police methods, procedures and equipment.
• Methods and techniques of patrol and surveillance.
• Methods and techniques of investigation, interviewing and interrogation.
• Use of firearms and other modern police equipment.
• Methods, techniques and applications of self-defense.
• Principles and procedures of report writing and record keeping.
• Occupational hazards and standard safety practices.
• Pertinent Federal, State and local codes, laws and regulations including California vehicle and penal codes and campus parking rules.
Ability to:
• Interpret and apply Federal, State and local codes, laws and regulations.
• Respond quickly and calmly in emergency situations.
• Analyze situations quickly and objectively to determine and take emergency action.
• Enforce parking and related traffic ordinances.
• Observe and report unusual occurrences and violations.
• Detain, interrogate suspects and interview complainants and witnesses.
• Physically arrest and apprehend combative subjects.
• Safely and effectively use and care for firearms.
• Prepare clear, accurate and grammatically correct written reports.
• Maintain yearly firearms qualification.
• Work various rotating shifts, including nights, weekends, and holidays.
• Communicate clearly and concisely, both orally and in writing.
• Establish and maintain effective working relationships with those contacted in the course of work.
• Sensitivity to and understanding of the diverse academic, socioeconomic, cultural, linguistic, ethnic backgrounds and disabilities of community college students and staff.
Experience and Training Guidelines
Any combination of experience and training that would likely provide the required knowledge and abilities is qualifying. A typical way to obtain the knowledge and abilities would be:
One year of law enforcement experience is desirable.
Equivalent to the completion of the twelfth grade supplemented by specialized training in law enforcement, security or a related field.
License or Certificate
A valid California driver’s license is required at time of appointment.
Possession of a valid P.O.S.T. Basic certificate or equivalent, which has been accepted by the State of California. Must be twenty (20) years old by the time on the final filing date and twenty-one (21) by the time of appointment.
Successful completion of Government Code section 1031 requirements including psychological, medical and background investigations. A physical agility test and/or written test may be qualifying criteria.
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BART Police Department
Job Title: Deputy Police Chief
Job Title: Directory of Security Programs – Office of the Chief
Alameda County Sheriff’s Office

Berkeley Police Department